The German nanotechnology
The German nanotechnology
The German nanotechnology as companion of waterproofing &thermal insulating
system through the latest innovative advanced technology. This product does not acquire any of the traditional
protective layers, as it is fire-resistant and aids sound insulation. This innovative product will achieve the ultimate solution to the existing & recurring problems through traditional methods. All types of insulation used in the market are affected by ultraviolet rays therefore cannot be left without protection, as it is not manufactured to be used as a final layer in terms of its external shape and irregular inclination. Traditional methods are affected by walking as well as working above it. In addition to the large number of problems regarding tiles and the problems of the screed now as a final layer are affected by the factors of erosion, ultraviolet rays and the consequent cracks and obvious corrosion that needs periodic maintenance. The matter gets worse when a water leak appears that can only be cured by isolating the entire surface due to the difficulty of access to the damaged area located under the screed